Monday, August 9, 2010

Workout of the day - Wednesday 11th August, 2010

Some weak point training today!

Today, we will simply be alternating between 3 position hold Pushups, and Bulgarian Split Squat Holds.

I will warn you - this will hurt, but it will show us some areas needed for imrovement.

What you'll need: a sturdy chair and some space.

Warmup: Keeping with our KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle, warm up with basic sets of Pushups and Bulgarian Split Squats, performing only half of the number of each that you can usually do, and alternating between the 2 for at least 3 sets.

Keep things slow and controlled to concentrate on getting warm

Workout: You'll probably only manage maybe 3-5 circuits of this workout today, and that's fine. More, and your a stud; less, you have some work to do.

We will just alternate between the exercises, resting about 45-60 seconds in between, until you can go no more.

For our first move, it is the basic Pushup with a twist - you will hold 3 positions throughout the Pushup for 2 seconds. Why? Holding the positions will show us where in the movement we are strongest/weakest, and helps us identify that area of the movement we need to work on. The 3 positions held in the Pushup will be mid way between the start and bottom of the Pushup; at the bottom of the Pushup; and a little higher up then our first hold, between the mid-point and the end of the movement. Of course you can do thsi move on your knees if you are not strong enough!

Take a look:

Hold each one of those middle 3 positions (guys) and the 3 positions shown on knees (girls)

Aim for at least 5, up to 10-15, of these per set. If you can do 15, girls can try the move as per normal (on toes and not on knees) and guys can elevate their feet onto the chair and try that.....

Our second move, we've done before, but all you'll do is get into the bottom, fully stretched position of the Bulgarian Split Squat, and simply hold it for as long as you can!

Now hold.....

What this will show us is the difference in time held between legs (you may be able to hold this position with your right foot in front longer than you can with your left foot in front) indicating muscular endurance deficiences, and possible hip flexor flexibility/mobility weak points. It can also indicate poor uni-lateral leg strength and power.

I would say she also does plenty of single leg squats.....

After alternating between those 2 movements, finish with stretching for your glutes, quads, hamstrings, chest, shoulders and triceps (I've outlined these stretches before in previous posts).

And that's it for today. Bit of weak point therapy for you.

Yours in training,


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